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Oct 2014
This thing we call life is but a journey that we embark upon at birth

We think we make all our own choices but I have learned that life is truly what happens while you are making all your plans

We rush through life thinking we have to always have a plan or a destination. I think for some (operative word some) this sets us up for failure

The essence of Life can be missed because we are so determined to get to where we have planned or what is expected that we miss all the side roads which are full of pleasure and adventure.

It may take a little longer to get to the end but why are we rushing to get to the end?  Slow down be curious take a few turns and see where it leads you.

Life should be an adventure not a chore. Love life embrace it don't rush it away. Before you know it you will wish you had it to do again
eileen demiris
Written by
eileen demiris  New York
(New York)   
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