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Oct 2014
it is so easy to find things that don’t belong together,
to find opposites,
fire and water,
young and old,
fear and bravery,
there are millions,
and it is just assumed that those things do not go together,
because they are different, complete opposites even, and that is irreversible,
and because of this, nobody stops to think about why they need each other,
nobody thinks about how fire needs the water to contain its flame,
or how the young need their elders to teach them,
or even how, to be brave, you cannot be fearless, to be fearless would make you un-human,
and i think that if we understood that about each other,
that we need one another to become stronger, that our differences can help us,
we would stop trying to separate ourselves and only place ourselves with people like us,
people we don’t have to worry about risk, or hurt, or loyalty with,
but maybe if we became a little braver and started going after people we know it won’t be easy with, maybe that’s what will work out in the end,
and maybe opposites don’t attract,
but so what,
maybe that person who makes everything a little harder will wind up worth it,
maybe they’re the fear to your brave.
oliviah rachael
Written by
oliviah rachael
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