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Oct 2014
criticized, left out, shut down. Isolated in everyday living, the only friend I have are my possessions. Not even my mind accepts me, but I guess that makes sense, because all my life people have never once said anything nice to me or about me. I wouldn't believe them at first but everyone has a breaking point. Now I am trapped, all alone, with nowhere to call my home. Hope is a thing of the past, love doesn't exist in a world so cruel. Friends end, friends and family betray you, or hurt you. I am a good person but my appearance states otherwise, statistics say otherwise, life as I know it; states otherwise. So now I live this life walking a lonely road the only road I've ever known, don't know where it goes but it's only me, so I walk alone. Dreams are a bunch of fantasy's, passion is a clever lie, truth;there is no such thing. I have a truth but my truth might not be another person's truth, so does that mean one of our truth's is a lie? belief's start wars, because people can't accept one another, people can't even understand themselves. That's why they search for truth, but what is truth? I just don't know anymore.
Classy J
Written by
Classy J  22/M/Medicine Hat
(22/M/Medicine Hat)   
   Cassidy Skye and Creep
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