I am told that I apologize too frequently And it's true, I'm sorry I'm sorry for who I am, and more importantly who I could be and should be but am not If I could I would escape this body This stomach These thighs These arms This mind This mouth If I could I would be tall and strong and proud If I could I would be athletic and healthy I would enjoy running and jumping and forgetting I would have games you could attend And awards you could collect And a GPA you could overlook I would embody a daughter you could accept If I could have a ***** I would I would stop the disappointment before it began I would be the mistake that was worth it I would walk with my chin up I would be funny and fearless Everything that you think you are I would be persuasive and charming I would dribble a ball or maybe even throw one I would be accepting of your mistakes because it's likely I would repeat them I wouldn't be so sensitive, or so difficult to be around I would be the son you have to tried so tirelessly to morph me into If I could I would have a voice that I am unafraid to use I would say what I want to say when I want to say it And not worry about who hears or who cares I would be honest and open And not concern myself with privacy, Tear this fleshy exterior and give my bones some air Let my secrets and my past and my fears breathe I would need you as much as you need me Let you hug me and hold me and believe that everything will be alright, when it won't If I could I would overlook all afflictions you have done and make you feel like my life has been unaffected by your mistakes I would be strong and brass I would be smarter and more leveled If I could I would unravel and go unguarded to be poked and prodded Just to make you feel closer to me If I could I would stop being so emotional I would sow my tear ducts shut and hold my feelings about what you have done to me at my feet so they never reach my tongue If I could I would stop being so flawed So freckled and so fatty So hairy and so unhappy So determined and so disappointing So opinionated and so oppressed If I could I would shed this skin and become the woman life and those who gave it to me want me to be My wave of self hate comes in cycles And today the tide is especially high If I was sorry For being a human being I would I apologize