A lone little girl sat in her room holding her stuffie so tight. The terrible shadows wrapped close about her forcing her sad eyes to cry.
she cut at the shadows but cut only herself wishing the shadows would leave. she dreamed of a plant that could bloom over her booboos where she had made herself bleed.
Her shame was so mean and crawled bout the corners where all the mean memories lay. "Can't sumbudy save me an chase out the night, befow I cut mysef away?"
When suddenly to her surprise and delight the door opened, pouring in light. The shadows hissed cruel as they slinked off in fear, cursing and suffering blight.
The sound of His voice was all that it took to chase the bad memories away. "Come to Daddy's arms my sweetest of treasures, Daddy's now here to stay."
"you will not be scared. you will not have fright, as long as you hold Me tight. Daddy will be here to cuddle you close, all throughout the night."