I think the most beautiful thing on this earth is falling asleep with the person you love. I mean, the world is ugly. But falling asleep with someone? It's like all the **** in the world and in your life slowly falls away, and you're just one person, one beating heart, one set of lungs performing the most innocent act of sleep. That's ******* beautiful. It's strange, but whenever I sleep next to the person I love, I don't dream. And I think that has something to do with him being all of my dreams in the flesh. I fall asleep next to my dream and that's enough for me. I don't need anything else than to fall asleep with him and to wake up next to him. And waking up with him? That's a completely different kind of beautiful. He's all sleepy eyes and messy hair and morning breath and sweat, but he's the most beautiful ******* thing I could possibly wake up to. The way we look at each other in the morning; it's like we're seeing each other for the first time all over again. I fall in love with him all over again every time I look at him. It's scary. Sometimes I feel like I'm going to explode when we're laying together watching a movie, because simply laying in his arms and being with him overwhelms me to the point where I could cry and scream my love for him. And my favourite part is when we fall asleep; because I'm so scared of missing a single moment with him, but so excited to wake up to him again.