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Oct 2014
I wish I knew who it was , she never found in me.
Whirlwinds of hopelessness,
Envelop my thoughts,
Laden with the feelings if inadequacy,
Knowing , I was never really what she wanted
I only know one way
One way to love,
I held her dearly
As she held my heart
I believed,
That one day ,
Would just  simply,
You were my morning star,
And my midnight comfort
You needn't even ask,
And I would make it so,
The affection that used to lay
the glistening of her eyes,
a distant searching.
Reality squeezes,
My breaking heart.
as she chases after her past.
I just wish I knew,
I wish I knew, who its was,
That she never found in me.
Written by
Hank Van Well Jr  Nassau County
(Nassau County)   
       Aeerdna, Lucinda Hikari, Ryan Hoysan, --- and ---
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