I still wear your t-shirt that I stole from the backseat of your truck, underneath some brown paper bags, few spare cables, and and a crushed beer box. There was dirt on both sleeves, but we just made love for the second time, in your best friends bed. I left without waking you. Just like you left,
farther and faster than I did, with a ****** parting line: you’ll be fine. And yeah, I guess I was fine if fine counts as holding myself together with two pieces of tissue paper and prayers that started with “Dear God,” always ending in “why bother.” But I wear
your t-shirt. Have you ever had to weigh the idea that you haven’t heard my voice in over a year with all the faces you meet in the bar, under cheap white Christmas lights, or any of the girls you send home before breakfast? Because I have. They’re heavy. Your world
has become so separated
and I’ve found a way to wear my heels to work even though I walk thirty blocks, and I’ve learned to sip my coffee before taking a gulp, to reach for things instead of just expecting them to arrive, but I still wear
your t-shirt. *You’re the strongest person I know.