Is there such a thing as eternity? Can forever really mean eternally when humans say it? I base most of my analysis of human kind on off of children before they have been corrupted by society. When they are too young to worry about how people judge them so they behave naturally. They haven't learned the ways of deception yet. Twisted lies and paranoid concealment of who they really are has not yet been Ingrained in them. Children are the most reliable source to draw conclusions from about the human race's natural tendencies because their souls are still pure at their early ages. The fact that toddlers cannot focus on a single thing for long periods of time leads me to believe that our kind defines eternity as until I change my mind. Look around us at our broken world. Divorce, shattered promises, abandonment, crumpled and forgotten friendships with cracks you can still see all along the sides. So many people say forever but its meaning has been drowned out by lies. I'll love you forever. I'll stay true to you forever. Best friends forever. Ill protect you forever.
People say those things and other people believe them... ...but is there really such a thing as forever for humankind?