When the haze of how we met finally cleared, And your broken heart weighed heavier than it appeared, When the nicotine air was overcome by a sweaty aroma, And I awoke from my whisky-induced coma, I remember seeing your face among the smoke, And for once I felt someone hearing the words I spoke, The long talks of fantasy and timeless novel, Turned quickly into fear and endless grovel, How you decorated your room with blood soaked artillery, The long hours spent in your bathtub distillery, All the while I offered you my heart, To love you no matter the distance you put us apart, Met only with your constantly draining rejection, I came to find I was only part of your bed post collection, But how I longed to feel your warmth once more, The longing for you grew me tired and sore, I thought you would never reciprocate my affections, I placed my worth in your pathetic erections, And now you ask me to stay- to love you in another state, Oh but my dear this love is too much too late, I cannot love someone I can never see, I cannot love someone who could never love me.