You’re one of those amazingly indescribable people; infuriatingly abstract and so intriguing to someone like me.
Like over-romanticised black coffee, and being woken up by birdsong and dawn after sleeping on your arm so it feels like a stolen limb, a whole part of you is weightless, numb and you never realised how heavy you were until you tried picking yourself back up.
And you’re like new school shoes and my lopsided ears that made my glasses, tilt to one side, so no one else saw the world like I did.
Like finding money in the grime, of the sofas abyss, or behind the loose tile were I’d hide gum but then realising its counterfeit.
And yet, you were like the major C but my strings weren’t tuned and I left you flat.
You are like the final sunset of summer, your profile burning in the bonfire, the ash gluing to your eyelashes, and your feet buried in the sand toes peeking through but already gone.