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Oct 2014
Blood orange was the only colour that immersed the sky.
I felt like I was floating between reality and memory;
But memory scares me,
Just like the sunset.

It’s no longer reality;
Nor close enough to remember.
Its bright enough to see;
But too far off to touch.
It’s a faded view of a once lovely world.
Memory was the sunset.

And I was the sun.
I was in fear of myself .
In fear of what I was too become;
Or who I once was thought to be.

Together we lived as two;
But never as one.
We longed for each other, the only way we knew how.
We survived from our kisses;
As the sun slowly kissed the night.

You were the night;
And I was the sun.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Meg Goodfellow
Written by
Meg Goodfellow  Australia
   --- and Rose
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