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Oct 2014
I shot a man
Erupted his brain into shreds
Shattered his slack jaw with my booted heel, they
laughed when his blood spilled,
flowing and simmering on the summer cement
Who do you trust?

If we could quit and begin again
If my actions had no consequence
If you were able to mask your true identity
If everyone only chased impulsive pleasure
Would we live differently?

I am afraid
that we are sinking
I am certain that we will slowly
poison ourselves until we become immune

Justifying our acquired weaknesses, ruining any and all friendly competition
Ignoring flags on the play that say there are too many
players on the defensive line

Who told you that this is real?
Trapped in one body for the entirety of this consciousness cannot
persuade me that I am here

Take me into the
vastness of smeared pink and blue
Where the birds find

a place to disappear
Lighten this heart of mine, let
me float where winds are

born, where the noise is
lost so that I may feel as
alone as I am,


May I be excused?
Written by
Squanto  Missouri
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