I am not sloth I am body bodied forth Beating the day at its game
Dear depression Take my outstretched hand -And you may have my ear too- But your haunts have no place In the seat of my being
I am lean I am not a copy I am variation Because you are before me Changing me Growing me
When I hold my lover She will know me And I her When my lover speaks I am wiser and all is well When she needs space I will steal myself away Alone but not lonely
I am not fabricated I am not walled in My room is balance My room is not fear Come envelop me Surround me Throw off the those shadows That flail in my deepest corners
Inhabit me And I will be host To you
I am not tame My yawp awakens Dotard gods preying
An exhale of mine -Deep and full of lust- Is enough to humiliate Billions of absentee deities
I am not just your version of me I am not just me I am us
For a time..
Peel back your crush Open up Let me in
Eyes rolling back To look for the words That cannot be had
With five pens Write your sweet everything's Into my flexed back