everyone believes they are the best at something and I used to think I was the smartest, but as people started getting higher and higher grades and I stayed at my comfortable 96, I realized that I am second, or third I used to think I was the most athletic, because my mile time was the fastest in my PE class, but maybe I didn't realize that my class was at Sacred Heart, and I was the smartest in middle school, and that in Theatre I cannot make up for my lack of feeling and I cannot let go and I have been so focused on myself that I am lagging in the dynamics, I missed something I missed about a month of moments and glances and I am not as involved as I should be- I have failed in latching to the people around me and they slip by, waxy now, for I cannot catch up there are secrets I do not know, glances I do not understand I have been in survival mode for so long that I have not been able to live- I am not the best at speaking, or making friends, or working group dynamics, or basketball, or school, or math, or violin, or acting- maybe my mom is wrong. Maybe I am a B student.