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Oct 2014
Just know.

I watch the sparrow leap from the limb catching its wings on the currents of the air , a downward ****** , to elevation , just knowing the air will cradle its means of travel off the ground.
The eastern horizon always hosts the dawn ,
Along with the announcement from the rooster ,
until the western skyline harbors the dusk.
The sea otters hold hands when they sleep , to keep from drifting apart ,
and never to wake alone
A seahorse travels " holding tales" with its mate for life
And oyster shells hold on to pearls
Just for a lover to find.
Things in life just taken as is
Because it simply always was.
The moon reaching and pulling the tide away from the spinning earth.
Just knowing
All those things that simply are,
And no reason to explain
The feelings of love I've always held.
Simply just for you , I've told you hundreds if times
I never knew exactly when it happened,
I didn't just wake up one day and realize I was in love
For me it was a lifetime certainty,  
Certainty that with you it was always something more
Just as sure as the bird testing the air
And the compass trusting the sun
Being in love with you was simple something
That I would always seem to.....
" just know "
Written by
Hank Van Well Jr  Nassau County
(Nassau County)   
   Liliana Jaworska
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