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Oct 2014
I drink my tears from of a piece of my own broken heart ,
My lips cut in the jagged edge
A reminder
Loyalty , love , affection , trust
Seems to be nothing more than a mere taboo
I never new a love that brought with it such a vulnerability within me.
You just always " were "
I wanted to be " the guy , your guy"
The one who's proud to call you mine, the one who sees you as beautiful,weather its on a sleepless morning , or in a formal dressing.
This broken heart belongs to you , now in pieces ,
But never strayed
If their was a dream to dream , it was  you ,
If it was **** attire , or high heels ,
My mind dressed you in them.
Nobody else has dressed my mind.
You truly were my ONLY love , and I was always faithful
In word , thought , and deed
For you only
Your heart
The one to which I sup , now in pieces , filled with my tears
Sour ,
Just as your taste in me has soured ,
My love , my intentions , my loyalty , my courteousness , even the things I did " just because "
Like staying up late , or getting up early , just to tell you I love you , and let you know your aren't alone.
Or that I was thinking of you as you slept
I drink the tears from my broken heart Sour ,
Just as your love , has soured on me .........
Written by
Hank Van Well Jr  Nassau County
(Nassau County)   
   Aron De Ro
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