Mission aborted. Vision distorted. Faith restored. As I leave it all up to God. I put my life on pause. I'm doing it for a good cause... And also for my selfish reasons. Days pass. Weeks pass. Months pass. Seasons pass. I don't know whats happening but I get it. You found love and you want to explore it with him I get it. I'm not the clingy type so Imma leave you two alone. Leave you two to explore love and just get along. As your bestie I'm asking for you to be safe. Remember he's a guy. Her craves. Mission aborted. Vision distorted. Dreams shattered. She's battered. I told her to be safe cos her safety mattered. Knocks once, Knocks twice. I open the door. Her eyes... Red. Her cheeks... Hot pink Deep breath... Okay Shosho think. Shosho look down. Shosho look at her tummy. Shosho look now. Oh snap your bestie is a mummy!