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Oct 2014
My eyes scan the horizon,
Their icy blue texture captivating.
Capturing all sights.

My wolf-ears,
White and fluffy.
So magnificent,
When it comes to sounds.

Their like vibrations in my drums,
Every sound I capture.
Every animal I hear,
Respecting the space,
We have in between.

Gazing upon the pale moon,
Miss Auroura my dear.
You are beautiful this clear night.

You light up the black sky,
Full of stars.
Full with your smile.

I howl to the moon,
Standing proud.

I growl at the sounds around me,
My muzzle twitches to all smells.

I walk alone,
Along this lonely trail.
Hunting on my own.
Every Elk I bring down,
Get's a prayer of respect.
For the chase was a blast.

Howling to the moon,
Melodic is the one of song.
The White Wolf,
Of Auroura.
Dark Jewel
Written by
Dark Jewel  20/F/Greenville, SC
(20/F/Greenville, SC)   
   Adrian Betz and Γ€Ε§ΓΉl
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