he trudged through the sand kicking at nothing lazily picking up stones tossing them into the sea his legs were stout his fingers small whispy blonde hair tossled in the wind a dog trotted slightly behind him black and white, i think he noticed everything treasures were abundant a rock became a kings jewel sticks became dynamite that would be used for an escape the dog was his Tonto his beach towel a cape that helped him fly the beach was where he washed up after escaping from a pirates ship grinning happily he spun round and round until falling to the ground overcome by a fit of giggles the dog barked enthusiastically also spinning "DINNER!" POP he blinked his eyes one time two slightly dazed he glanced around a frown creased his small forehead then he slowly, oh so slowly got up he glanced at his kingdom one more time noticing the pirate ship in the distance a slow smile crossed his face as he turned and started running up the hill towards home.