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Oct 2014
clouded in deception, lost in adversity, trying to find out who I am. All the lie's with little truth hidden inside, a myth that all it is. I been walking through day by day dealing with people's B.S, all I do, it's like I'm stuck on a broken record. Lost and annoyed, no longer having patience, broken by hypocrisy and deception. Drifting like a log, not knowing where I'm going, just going with the flow. For to long I have keep quiet, it's time to go to shore and be myself. Time to tell the hard truth, I'm an outcast, but I just can't handle being society's robot. It's time to not take the B.S others throw at me. You thought you broke me, but I stand a better man, I was weak but now I'm strong.  No longer being confined, for the first time in a long time I feel alive.
Classy J
Written by
Classy J  22/M/Medicine Hat
(22/M/Medicine Hat)   
   Joe Adomavicia
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