for years I cared for years I worried sleepless nights wondering what you thought of me as a man I was scared you'd judge me unfairly hours a day at the gym starving myself hair implants thousands of pounds spent on my body because I was scared scared that I would be judged unfairly
for years I cared for years I worried sleepless nights wondering what you thought of me as a woman I was scared you'd judge me unfairly the cat calls size 0 clothing breast implants bags of makeup thousands of pounds spent on my body because I was scared scared that I would be judged unfairly
As a man As a woman I was scared I worried I cared what you thought of me but I learned I learned that as a man I learned that as a woman I didn't need to worry I don't live on this planet to make you happy I live here to make myself happy So as a man, as a woman I'm no longer scared no longer worried I only care what I think of me
For a peaceful world we need an equal world
First things first this poem is not intended to upset or cause offense to anyone. I accept that everyone as a different view on things, this poem is only intended to to promote equality between men and women (and other sexes)
If you are offended by this poem please PM me and I will get back to you as soon as possible.