I hope it’s okay There are teachings and learnings here Or something I think pain can be good Hurt. Is beautiful There are deep connections And share-ings - So that’s okay, isn’t it?
You remind me of Luke A tortured soul Deep deep feelings I’m curious Peel back the layers I should have just been his friend He needed something But not a lover to resent And lose
You would sacrifice Too much In the end it could be Worse Slashing. Fizzling. Breaking. I’m cautious: You might tip- Over Like he did.
Keep yourself. Uphold your values Your true strength is there somewhere Hiding in fear of rejection You’ll shine so so bright! Glean an enjoyment from life He did not.
I’ve been on a buzz Running, running, running Covering over The deep sorrow Contrast to the extreme excite Mournful I am empty Hollow
No one else will fill you up That’s a love and care you have to give yourself
I’ve been trying to work through all this Maybe you And the reminders Are teachers A chance for reconciliation Maybe the girl with the red balloon Needs to let it go.