The elephant took me beneath his ear, nestling me in his wisdom,
moonlight spilled into the space I’d created,
highlighting my soft, light breaths.
I caressed the round of the full moon, with the sighing of my eyes,
and his light flowed out before him -
a familiar hello -
spilling slowly,
into the ends of the tusks of my elephant.
I marveled
at how his ivory tusks seemed near bright as Sir Moon, himself.
And the ground trembled beneath my bared feet.
I felt my elephant quaking.
I felt my cover move back from me
as he lifted his head and spread his grand ears across the sky I could feel him let go a deep trumpet that proclaimed his heart before melting into the night
Questioning whether the elephant could sense the moon in me,
I breathed again,
smiled to myself and walked lightly the pathway home.