Those car rides with you on Saturdays were all I really remember of my youth with you. There was little talking done because it was understood;
You had me when you weren't ready, but you couldn't hide from me. You knew everything I couldn't see.
I chewed on my big chew and watched you. I had a father on this day. You weren't a black snake wandering and squirming away.
Years later you apologized for what you didn't understand. Vampires ****** my compassion out of me long ago. I said It was okay when I should have yelled no.
No more. No more. Go! Go! Go!
Part II
Now I always call you in my mind if I'm not hiding behind blue walls. The words are always hidden behind black shawls.
I have pieces of you in me and I don't mean the physical traits. I know I have your hate.
Men with less of them stayed for their little runts. At least your denial was perfectly blunt.
At this age the cycle is complete. I'm here and I will never understand why you never stayed to be a DAD.