rigid steel creaking, squeaking to announce it's monumental motion, defying once static devotion hear ye! hear ye! the rusted machine is jolting back to life like clockwork, completing patterns encoded by calloused fingertips, pressing, pushing, prodding, pleading with stiff, achey keys to punch the storyline back into place.
naive program under illusion of sentient choice, springs open arms to rejoice the repeated reinforcement of recurrent information, fed & regurgitated & re-ingested to be fermented in crystalline form of mind, tinkered into alignment by sinister hands with crude cracks, leaking oil.
discordant dance of metal, twirling tango wrought with perilous footwork to outline the model of assumed complexity that shrouds the simple harmony of one-two one-two - one step after the other, followed by another steady rhythm of cause & effect. go head, neglect, or reject, only to crawl back in reflection to beg for one more turn round the ferris wheel, to glimpse the heights of insanity that reach ultimate clarity of infinite perspectives unfolding, one into another, projected onto lovers and strangers - all alike.
add your rambling writing of realizations, remembrances, & rehearsals onto my hard drive, I want to reiterate - I am learning slowly. rereading & restructuring pages of this minute history. maybe one day I'll recall that practice precedes progress.