Everything about me is unorganized and messy, like your favorite pasta dish, or romance novel- There are layers to who I have become and even more layers to who I was. I can't help all my poems sound the same, or maybe that's a good thing because when the pain drowns me in the same mistakes I've made repeatedly I remember that I am yin and I am yang all in the same hand. There is no sign on my star-crossed heart that says I can't stay exactly the same there is no roadmap inside my dark defeatist mind that says I can't change who I am everyday. So let me be dynamic- and never the friction between your sheets because I will never be static. I am a stone wall with every sad thing you've ever witnessed. I am a garden full with every joyful experience- The pessimistic paradox and the optimistic oxymoron is what I have become and I'm still comprehending how that can be. I have yet to find myself fully, but I know who I am these words become my compass and I wish I could just go north but this galaxy that is within wants so much more- I will discover myself again.