Have you ever stared at the wall so long it started to swell Thought so long you put yourself into a circle of hell Sitting there on the front porch in your underwear with a cigarette hanging out the corner of your mouth Breeze flowing through your hair casting your gaze atΒ Β splotchy clouds and roughed suburban shingles that line your crooked vision Haven't shaved or showered for three days You don't even smoke but for some reason you like that taste of nostalgia Grades are in the trash, and you don't even have your chess pieces aligned to start playing Thinking through ever girl you've used, and every other bar you've been to Now you're stuck Sitting ***** with a **** eating grin on your mug There's never been a more lonely sound then the muffled wall sound of two people who are not Helps you picture the perfect playground for your imagination to take off Something that speaks in a language you can't decipher with your own clever English Put down that pencil, to get out of this you're going to need more than a writing utensil Where are we going to now, you ask? Dunno, somewhere new, that sounds pretty good.