A seed found furrow in my brow Awaiting harvest, hungers now
Through my fertile mind’s palimpsest A vine breaks soil where memories nest
Pushing on with a writhing stem From deep brown earth toward blue welkin
With nostalgic rays, a star unfolds a leaf, a story, yet untold
Each bud a poem that’s yet to bloom In flowered couplets for the moon
awaiting dawn, for petals pleat to release a blossom’s fragrance sweet
And from one strand a spider weaves a gossamer web on trembling leaves
to capture prey that seeks to read Poetic verse among the weeds.
Plant and spider thus conspire conscripting minds of like, inspired,
to sew words of thorns, that never wilt till every bough, a bookshelf built
"A Seed Found Furrow" is a collaboration between Maureen Seaberg and Phosphorimental. Read about Maureen on http://about.me/maureen_seaberg (you'll find it very interesting!)