He was often a little shy round the opposite *** His shyness caused so often his mates to be vexed But this lady he decided he’d ask for a date Though he fully expected a miserable fate.
So he asked her to dinner one summer long ago And to his utter bewilderment she didn’t say no They fell for each other and they talked all night long And from that night on his heart filled with song.
Each Valentine’s Day he sends her a rose He oft writes her poems or occasionally prose His love no bounds nor does her love for him Each feeling their hearts are filled to the brim.
No longer that shy like he was once before They married and he carried her over the door She bore him two children who they love oh so much Their love so ethereal, bewildering to touch.
If ever you meet the person who makes your heart glow And you’re both free to love, then perhaps let them know You’ll both read the signs and then maybe it will be That you too will have a life as happy as me.