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Jerry Knowledge Gonzalez
Sep 2014
seriously....no seriousness...
Not in the mood to be serious,
I'm serious about that..tho..geez
I guess we have to be what we
Don't wanna be like wannabes
I may have a disease
That isn't a disease yet
So they'll name having brain
damage With no brain damage I bet
After me, cause my condition
Is this affliction, in addition
Ive lost my sense of Volition,
i need a placebo prescription
Which is how they treat symptoms
Of depression and god only knows
What else where's dr House to help me out?
I'm also sick with growth
Without the growing up,I'm
Going nuts or am I there?
And I guess if unfair is fair
In life then I'm exactly where
I'm suppose to b but exactly where
That is... I don't know
I feel like I dropped my uppers
And downers and have no
Clue which pill is which, cuz I
Can't tell up from down
I didn't need clown college at
All I am a self taught clown
Wearing a Burger King crown
In a hospital gown
I need a human lost and found
Cause I'm lost but I found
Myself being lost
so am I found Or not
I'm starting to feel exhausted
From all this intellectual thought
That's habitual so I'm not
Thinking straight at all
No wonder I'm driving crooked
And when ppl call
U can ignore it but important
Is knowing if u dare
Try that with nature ull understand
Why I just changed my underwear
I need to repair my impaired
Brain functions I'm scared
I feel confused and weird like I
Shared my **** pipe with the mayor
Or ex mayor but expect there
To still replace him with a new
Incompetent with a conglomerate
System so if rob ford in truth
Was high what's the others
excuse But I don't really care
Cuz u can't pick a ***** if its
All **** so ill just skip aware
That I can't complain or dare
Want change and that is fine
We're kept so in the dark that we
All vote def dumb and blind
Cuz who knows which **** hides
A secret agenda, well in truth
They all have plans but some are
Not as destructive so you
Never know but I know abuse
Is a temptation coming with power
And no man in power is ever
Clean I mean I wouldn't be so sour
I'm not but look at the twin towers
That's what power can do
It's too complicated I rather be
Jaded and throw dead pigs just too
Fuvk with the ppl who say
"Not til pigs fly, will I" and you
Probably would call that Crazy
But I call it swine flu
Where are u? I can't find you?
But I keep calling your name
Which ended up being my own
Name which isn't as insane
If u thought like me, but a monopoly
On crazy town property is mine
So for now you'll have to setts
With normalcy and define
Things as crazy or not crazy
But to me it's not that way
Cause the truly coo coo are the
Ones too quick to label insane
As if to make them feel sane
But thoughts are the same
In the sense that we all view something
and instinct detains
Our response to a situation
With consideration of morals
Ethics, etiquette and if they
Have a false sense of bein immortal
Making our decisions a portal
To the world as we see it
Which proves that we can be on
Different planets and still be seated
Next to each other Jesus
Id say That was brilliant if you
Asked me but if u don't ask me
I'd be, like....pshh..? Who asked you?
So in conclusion I conclude
With ....nothing at all
I am no more enlightened than I
Was before I wrote this so we all
Can agree I just wasted your
Time and some of mine
But a hen in the hand is worth two
In the bush or something that finds
Better suited to this foolish
Diluted convoluted and stupid poem
plz excuse it as it comes straight from my
haunted house of a dome
where fuses are likely blown
Which is why I don't know
Why my parents say the lights
Are on but nobody's home
I guess it's a figure of speech
I want to make figures with speech
But I can't even fix my figure I'm weak,
so I may wither while Greek
Is how the world speaks to my
*** dont get that? Let it pass
And it's time I end this poem of
Literary genius sprinkled with class
Live well and prosper. Or live in
Self created garbage like Oscar
Quote 4 IQ:a doctor,then 4strength
a boxer,&end; with ...Jodie foster
A witty quote from a philosopher
Or Maybe even an author
So u end the poem soundin smart &
Strong then run off like a robber
didnt feel like being too serious and wanted to keep my readers in a playful mood
Written by
Jerry Knowledge Gonzalez
Brampton, Ontario, Canada
(Brampton, Ontario, Canada)
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