Best friend who i adore, theres this secret inside that i store. with a love that cant be physical, lies a love for you as divine as holy miracle.
You are that friend that i fall to in need, but this love would destroy you if ever freed. so upon this sky of clearest night, to confess is a battle that i have chosen to fight.
Goddess who watches from up above, take my heart as beautiful as your whitest Dove, and hide it away so it cannot stain, a friendship that in ages does not wain.
My lips cannot venture onto your lips, for fear that confession will be drawn to my tounges tip. so to your cheek i place this moment. and keep it close to make memory potent.
i love you too much to love you more, so this passion i hide behind locked doors. my friend, my past, my present and loves truest lament. i regret not a second that i have spent.