Some people ask me Why I walk barefoot They say "It's dangerous" And in my experience They are right But I walk on
The streets are littered with filth It coats my feet and stains my skin Glass and stones cut into my flesh And I bleed onto the ground A trail of red left in my wake It hurts But I walk on
Few understand why I would put myslef through this The Pain The Stink Wading through the ******* of the world But I tell them this I walk on
I walk on because the things that hurt Are all things that we've made And if I can move passed them all They won't be able to hurt me anymore
I walk on because through the mess Through the hurt I can feel the ground The warmth of the sun touching the earth And I know it's all worth it
So yes It is dangerous But I've found that there are great things in this world Under the layers we've built to conceal it And though it's painful The good outweighs the bad If only you let yourself find it
You may wear shoes if you want Protect yourself That is your wish But I will not Because covering my feet Simply means They will feel nothing at all