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Sep 2014
I am here today
I am alive and breathing
a man somewhere in a hospital bed has a machine
breathing for him
I am here today
with clothes on my back
while a child is using news papers as blankets
I am here today with the ability to eat and drink at my leisure
while a child in west africa tries to remember what it feels like
to have food touch their taste buds
what clean water might taste like
I am here today
with education
while a teenager is sent to war reluctantly
because education came after victory
I am here today
and I could die any second
and so could all of us
So I urge that you do not take your life for granted
If you are sad and lonely
and feel as if no one cares for you at all, I do
If you are angry and mislead by everything
it's going to be alright
If you love someone, tell them
If you have negative people in your life
get rid of them, today
I am here today
and I am only promised that much
for tomorrow is only hours away
but I do not know
if I will get there or not
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