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Sep 2014
She sat beside the window,
Looked out into the night
Upon a peaceful meadow
Glowing in moonlight.

Fireflies gleamed upon the grass;
She watched them in their flight
And wondered how their fires' blast
could twinkle still so bright

She did not see small creatures
With bottoms that could shine
She saw instead the features
Of the dark but studded sky

She slept in peace and sureness,
one says her dreams would reign;
believed that, then, happiness
would take away her pain

Through the paths and roads of life
She would never fail to try
For stars that fell from heady skies
Had told her she could fly.
Written by
UNKNOWNAJBAYKER  Pampanga, philippines
(Pampanga, philippines)   
     Lior Gavra, ---, Creep and ---
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