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Sep 2014
when i was 13,
"if your friends jumped
off a cliff would you?"
was an effortless,
because when i was 13
the cliff was a tall,
piece of land
with a neon sign that said
"impending doom"
lit up at the edge,
but now im 20
and the cliff
comes in glass bottles
and the cliff
comes in thick syringes
and the cliff
is drawn beneath
my skin
in india ink
and down below it,
i can see my home town
and i can hear the patient voices
of the kids i grew up with
that never got out,
shakily shouting
"come down here;
it's easier at the bottom"
and if im being honest
im stumbling toward it
with an alarming
lack of fear
Written by
Morgan  25/F/Scranton Pa
(25/F/Scranton Pa)   
       ---, ---, Madison McCray, iridescent, jude and 19 others
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