In the early 21st century this is when time really started to go backwards and the attack on the constitution laid the foundation for the TeA pArTY, and other corporate fascists. Too much to the right our nation starts" GOOSE STEPPING".
And Uncle Sam sat on a very narrow conservative wall. And the King of heartless ( Bush ) ordered, " OFF WITH YOUR HEAD" without just cause to a sandy world of black-gold. And all three nations were written up as the Axis of "Jabberwockey". And Wonderland's scared caterpillar colored red, orange,and so on, sat upon an imagined poison mushroom cloud. And Tweedly Dee; Teedly Rummy, gave quick cheap armor ( of course to fight some of the Jabberwockey) from a quickened "Rummy Dummy", the slam dunker. And the MAD HATER of people went DUCK -YOUR -HEAD oil haunting And "Cheshire Cat smiles ( Bush again ) was taken at phony opts. And we majority of Alices tried making sense of this new "Wonderland" as Constitutional, law backers were considered bad-and in mirror reversable- so too International Law backers. And good was this unconstitutional main war-knight (Bush again ) always WORD bumbling, war stumbling, falling and failing off his Trojan horse. And still us Alices are in this-now current-perpetual land of MIRRORED-IMAGE-REVERSAL. Tune in next time for our great escape from this forcefully adopted land of horrid wonder. Maybe if we tapped our shoes three times...Oops wrong tale.