and the word rolled of my tongue raced past my lips to pratt fall to the floor, buster keaton style only to lie in a curlicue puddle on the ***** sky blue lino....
people applaud my performance in a politely dissaffected way, before returning to they desultory gossip with regard to the state of the art draped upon the walls.... strange blueprint of mug ulgy beasts. they say, in excellent babylonian accents dropping tibits of manna cake and spilling ambrosia nectar all the while....
**** me i am going to have to get the clouds steam cleaned again... hope monsoonal cleaners are'nt busy this week..
and the word squiggled away to hide in the corner
exsistential...maybe god, in a sales meeting...maybe me just word doodling ...... after a few drinks...on a friday night....definitley enjoy....