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Sep 2014
I'm going insane,
Why do they play these games?
The games of mental breakdown.

To make me feel guilty,
To make me feel the sting.
When I already know..

I'm not sorry.
I said I wanted to move,
When I was eighteen.
You walked away,
Rejecting me.

Now you send your wife at me?
To scold me,
Break me down.
Make me suffer..

I may not return home,
Because of you.

Why won't you just understand!
I'm trying to make you proud.
Everytime I mention my mother,
You create a war!

I'm done.
It's too much for me to bear.
No words,
Just disappear!
My dad doesn't realize what he just caused.. I'm finished living there..
Dark Jewel
Written by
Dark Jewel  20/F/Greenville, SC
(20/F/Greenville, SC)   
   Bloom, r and ---
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