Show your teeth, Cheshire Cat
Your cunning smile, tongue flickers
Licks across small pointed teeth
Like the little fish, darting between
Glint in the eye, and then just eyes
Ravenous hair cascades
Neither too long, nor short
A lion's mane, frames quick eyes
Angered, quick to roar, fang
Claws, blood finger tipped
Panther, in the night
Lightly leaping tree to tree
A silent padding, not decent
From above she glides, wary
Waiting, to fall, upon such prey
Tiger stripes, orange, white
Grey and black, fierce bright eyes
In the tall grass from clump to lump
Coiled steel in her curved limbs
Long striped tail, snap, snap, snap
Wintery lynx, tufted ears alert
Twitch not nervous for sound
Whiskers long, and eyes a sight
White on white, silent again
Stalking a hopping long ear
Cheetah, cheetah, rely alone
In speed, quick and fight
A nip, bite with sharp tooth
Fast, slick swipe, claws deep
A hind, lacerated, meal tonight
Now a cougar, lithe wasp waisted, nice
Shapely leg, long and tight
Wickedly grinned, tipped in blood
Caramel pride, my most dangerous cat
It's time to come play with your twine