faith as the love that moves the sun and other stars that turns the heavens and keeps the universe in holy alignment that structures everything, I had a ring that I bought because it was the only size that fit and as the galaxies spin, so do we, high upon our golden throne seated together and watching the world revolve you took my ring and I told you to keep it because the love that moves the sun and other stars came through you, and I found God through your existence and our experiences for I serve because of you and I therefore unite my soul with the heavens, because of you no one has ever changed me so much and therefore I give my life either to you or the idea of you it makes no difference; you wear my ring and I have taken my cause and my love to be my bride we are as pagan gods, separated and viewing the world with an aloof, unaffected air, casting joy and peace as though it were rain throughout anything and everything we must breathe for we are together and we grow the forests of the earth in our tears, we are what they write about and what I write about, a nobility of purpose beyond what the common man understands, and yet- while together we are like pagan gods, with you I am the most human I have ever been, and the most alive I have ever felt.