I descended slowly so long ago. The memory of how and why it began floated away with the flotsom on the warm surface currents.
On the frigid sea floor of my mind crushed beneath the pressure of liquid self loathing. A kingdom of cold piercing darkness was my domain and there I stayed.
"Please, come back." Her words echoed in the depth. And it began.
A slow ascension passed the darkened depth through murky grey. The grasping demons that preyed on my spirit lost their hold as I rose beyond their reach.
Faster I climbed. My soul expanded with every passing meter. Pushing away all that held me down and breached the warm wavy surface where it all began.
Golden rays and azure blue skies fill my sight as I float with the current. Miles from shore with hope as my only compass.
The journey to my redemption now begins with you as my guide.
KCsPoetryContest depression recovery
#KCsPoetryContest #recovery from depression #recovery #depression
Poetry contest submission on recovery from depression.