Pretty girl. Smart girl. Lovely little collection of dirt-smudged books with dog-eared corners, that girl. Quilted comforter girl. Non-drinking, church-going promiscuous girl.
Strange girl. Senseless girl. Dreaming, preening in the graying bathroom mirrors girl. Taping pencil tips during testing kind of girl. Uses skin when there’s no eraser kind of girl. Smooth fingers rubbed to gunmetal kind of girl.
Smart girl. College girl. Uncommitted, TV-watching girl. Reads the books before the movies type of girl. Smoke-eyed girl. Diamond-kind-of-like without-the-shining girl.
Nimble fingered girl. Pretty girl. Promiscuous girl. Lead-wedged-deep-in-the-head girl. Nobody knows Jane Doe. Orphan ***** Jane Doe. Pavin’ her way Jane Doe, they say. Doe-eyes tinted red like crushed grapes in a wine glass.