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Roger Turner - Poet
Aug 2014
The talk
My boy said "dad, we need to talk"
"There's something you should know"
I thought I know just what he'll say
Let's see where this talk goes
I'd practiced in the bedroom
What I'd say when this time came
How I'd use big words like respectful
But, it still sounded kind of lame
He said "Dad. I've lived a secret life"
"I've been in the closet for some years"
I swallowed, and I tried to speak
But, I was fighting back the tears
He'd always dressed ....well different
A little flashier than most
It was a good thing Ma was gone
Or...this boy...he would be toast
He said "Dad, I like Willie"
I felt myself go weak and shake
"In fact I like Johnny too"
I knew we'd made a big mistake
We took him to a broadway show
When the boy was only ten
Now, here he's liking Willie
And he's now, well...one of them
"Paisley"..."that's a favorite"
Why couldn't he just like blue?
"Sugarland"....that's a given
what the hell was I to do?
When he said "Don't worry"
"It's not as bad as it may seem"
I thought my son likes Willie
This is surely a bad dream
I knew the talk was trouble
It was the same back with my Dad
But, when you hear 'bout Johnnies willie
Well, this talk was going bad
I sat down and I smiled
I said "you know I love you all the same"
"But., there never was a sign at all"
"it's all on me....I take the blame"
He said "it's not that big a deal"
I thought ...he must be nuts
But nuts, well he'd like them too
But, the boy...he has some guts
I told him I'd support him
And would accept his lifestyle choice
He said, "Dad. what do you mean?"
I said...i accept that you like boys
He laughed and said, "you're wrong there"
He laughed...was nearly sick
I'm telling you ....though it is hard
I like country music
I said "but you like Willie"
he said "yeah, and so should you"
"I like Johnny Cash and Sugarland"
"I like Brad Paisley too."
My heart was back to normal
I said "I'm glad we had this chat"
He said, "it sure was different"
we shook hands...and that was that
Written by
Roger Turner - Poet
Ann M Johnson
David Hall
Rob Rutledge
1 other
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