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Aug 2014
I drank in dark water
and my soul blackened.
I have been baptized
by darkness.
My eyes shed
the blindness
and now I see.
Demons surround us,
they rule the world,
there is no escape.
They control the direction
of the winds,
they control the world.
They feed us lies
and we call them philosophies.
They entered our minds
and our hearts
and we called them gods.
They offer us happiness
but no tomorrows.
We gave them love
but they don't give love back.
They keep us
in chains
made of fears and superstitions.
They made us
their slaves
but some of use are too dumb,
blind to see.
We are sheep
going to the slaughter,
We say, we are on top of
the food chain
but they are above us,
demons love to feed
on us.
Written by
Edmond  New Jersey
(New Jersey)   
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