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Dec 2010
You do not seem to mean any real harm
but in fact you have such a deadly charm.
Someone who’s not aware of your guile
is approached by you wearing a smile.

Many are the ones that you have fooled
who have been all but wrongly schooled
in the serious business of love and devotion
perishing without you showing any emotion.

You turn your back quickly at the sign of any disunity
as if you’ve been waiting for just such an opportunity.
You also don’t really care about anything else except to be praised
and will brook no compromise if any issues of disloyalty are raised.

You think and make out as if you’re always right
regardless of the truth becoming evident to sight.
You’re not to be blamed if anything goes wrong
and will challenge any suspicion before too long.

If anyone happens to open up their heart to you
they run the big risk of having it broken in two.
A deceiving love full of pain is the thing you give
as this is the way by which you know how to live.
Private Collection - written in 2010
Written by
George Krokos  72/M/Melbourne, Victoria, Aust
(72/M/Melbourne, Victoria, Aust)   
   Asha Nicole
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