I thought I knew anatomy until I took to mesmerizing the movements of your finger tips and the curl of your lips it was a surprise to me that everything I was sure of its meaning measured up to nothing in my journey of analyzing because bones are filled with marrow but talent must support your limbs because theres no other way to explain it and your finger prints must be hieroglyphs of the most beautiful piece of art thats taken to be written I exhale carbon dioxide but your cadence is different alongside common elements, intelligence is escaping from inside I've sat to questioning the pictures my textbooks taught me and the only sensical explanation is you're too beautiful to be contained by science alone because you can't place an equation on a work of art perspectives wont always let x = x and maybe that's just it the awareness of being aware pressed your eyes so I studied them a bit longer, like a test I didn't want to fail you have features that ask to be traced so they can be born to more than one place to grace the blank expressions of the earth's faces an infinite impression of peacefulness these aren't lines telling of hopeless love and romantic woes Im looking to tell of one of the most interesting people I ever met that didn't cause me to be swept from where I commonly stepped but reminded me to be grateful for being grounded butterflies never filled my insides but a craving to learn everything that coincides with your latest stride