Books are like us humans Words that express and shows, Thoughts that mingle w/ emotions that are written In blue ink with allies and red with foes
A trek to be read or forgotten Or a moment to be shared and rejoiced Uniqueness with words and phrases are the key But only a few pages there is to see,
Part of history that was lost Until the faithful and waiting day It will be carefully and mostly cherished, The story that would change in a way
But how could it be a good book? The readers would dreadfully look Of how short and simple The life of a man who saved us all
You will not know of how he how fall For you are hesitant to read A book with so little pages, Lines that show the freedom without cages
Thoughts of the mind made to actions Then those actions written in history A fight for inner-peace or destruction To live with Faith, Harmony and glory
Components that show of what is humanity Books like that are of the utmost rarity It cannot be judged by its cover, Judge shall, only after reading and knowing
Of how the thee felt while writing Then only will you begin to understand Of how one page of words can turn our destiny around, Inner contentment can then be found
Life is short and the world is small But with the continuous thread of string The red string of faith will then cling To our diminutive but everlasting story