The thought of death doesn't scare me. I wouldn't mind dying anytime soon. It's just a part of life. I feel its pointless to hide from the ever so Presence of death's hands. I'd rather live a short happy life Than a long miserable one. But thats just my thought. The thought of love used to baffle me. But theres a point where a pair of certain brown eyes capture you as the sun refelcts off of them giving them this color of dark honey, Or the point where his hands hold you to the ground and you never want to let go, Or just the sound of his musical voice wraps around you making you feel at home. Thats the point where you know its not baffling, but instead, breathtaking. But others have their own opinions i suppose. The thought of a higher being used to be childish for me. What do you mean the God that created this entire earth and all its creatures actually cares about me? Impossible. But I realized it is possible. I mean, what else could explain the air i breathe, The things I see, The love I now hold in my heart? I belive in God. I just may not believe he cares for me. But what are you gonna do? Just my thoughts.