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Aug 2014
To me family is:
All the people that mean something to you.
They dont have to be blood.
They dont have toΒ Β be the same race, gender, age, religion.
As long as they mean something to you
As long as you love them with everything you have.
is what I call

So you mean Like you are to me Fenix?

Yes Hawk. That is what I mean.

Fenix you know you are my sister.
I love you through and through
You've pulled me out of the gutter more times then I would like to admit.
You've been there for me
And I have tried my hardest to be there for you.
To my children you will Always be Aunty.
To my wife you are consider sister in law.
I will always be your big brother
There to protect you.


Yes Hawk you are my big brother.

Infinity and beyond

What are we?
Toy story?

I am Buzzlightyear
Hear me Roar


Dear Gundi
if your are buzz lightyear
we are all doomed

hums you got a friend in me

*And this is why we are family
Me and my "little Sister" tried to write a poem. I kind of made it go off course.
I am the Bold Italic, she is just the italic
Her name on here is FENIX FLIGHT
Hawk Flight
Written by
Hawk Flight  Living in Hell
(Living in Hell)   
   Fenix Flight
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